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Innovating Cryotherapy

Nota 2

The therapeutic properties of ice

Cryotherapy, that is, the use of cold for therapeutic purposes, can be useful in treating skin disorders and has several opportunities and applications for use in cosmetics and aesthettic medicine.

Filler and laser treatments
Lip treatments (tattoos, filler, biorigeneration)
Biostimulation and Biorevitalization
Aesthetic and rigeneration medicine treatments
Adjuvant in reducing swollen eyelids
Adjuvant in concealing bags under the eyes
In general, as local anesthetic before medical beauty treatments

Epilation and depilation
Face cleansing treatments
Aesthetic Tattoos
Improvement of couperose skin
Adjuvant in reducing swollen eyelids
Adjuvant in concealing bags under the eyes

Cryotherapy can be used to…

aid local anti-inflammatory and anti-swelling action

stimulate blood circulation

cool and tone up the skin

obtain a vasoconstrictive effect for anaesthetic purposes

combat the early appearance of wrinkles

close dilated pores

soothe puffy eyes and combat bags under the eyes

Le CUBE® can be reused an infinite number of times.
If used correctly, it is covered by a guarantee. Le CUBE® is a patented product and its trademark is registered.

Nota 2

It maintains the effective temperature for a long time.
Laboratory tests show that Le CUBE® maintains the effective temperature for more than 40 min.

What is an “eutectic mixture”?

It is a mixture of substances (in fixed proportions) that melts and freezes at a single temperature that is lower than the melting points of the separate constituents or of any other mixture of them.

The term comes from the Greek
“εύ” (eu = well) and “τήξις” (tēxis = melting), meaning “easily melted.”

Defrosting test vs previous mock-up Le CUBE®

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